Tuesday, July 22, 2008

why blog?

I never actually learnt the the true meaning of "blog" until today.
Previouly, I had this vague perception of blogging to be people
writing stuff on the web via a website. I looked up wikipedia today,
(wikipedia is the place that I go to whenever I am in doubt; its also
one of the top three search results when I google something) and I
finally understand what a "blog" means.

The following description of "blog" is ripped off from wikipedia -
A blog (an abridgment of the term web log) is a website, usually
maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary,
descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

Well, I always wanted to maintain a personal diary when I was a
kid, but I never had the discipline to write an entry everyday of
the week. Most importantly, my motivation to maintain a diary
was at odds with the basic concept of maintaining a diary. I wanted other people to read my diary entries (lets face it, I would be bored to read my own entry as I had already "experienced"
whatever I have written!) which was contrary to the concept of a personal diary.

Well, blogging seems to be tailor-made for sharing one's experiences, thoughts and the works with the entire webopulation (web population :)) and so, here I am, blogging away. Blogging is like watching a good movie with all your friends, unlike a personal diary which is like watching movies however boring they are "alone".

Diary enthusiasts, this blog is based on my perspective of a personal diary though I know its much more than a mere logging device.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cool bobby, another milestone, The First blog.